- James O'Brien - Norah O'Donnell - Keith Olbermann - Bill O'Reilly - Candace Owens -
==james o'brien======
From James O’Brien to Joe Rogan: Rise of news influencers and alternative voices
Big broadcasters such as the BBC and Sky do best, along with The Guardian, but these brands are more challenged in YouTube and TikTok by a range of youth orientated outlets such as Politics Joe, LADbible, and TLDR News – and also by more partisan political outlets such as Novara Media and individual creators. (Press Gazette 6/20/24)READ MORE>>>>>
Big broadcasters such as the BBC and Sky do best, along with The Guardian, but these brands are more challenged in YouTube and TikTok by a range of youth orientated outlets such as Politics Joe, LADbible, and TLDR News – and also by more partisan political outlets such as Novara Media and individual creators. (Press Gazette 6/20/24)READ MORE>>>>>
==Lawrence O'Donnell======
Aug 25, 2021: Daily Wire reported: Cuomo Can Be ‘Positive’ Force in Democratic Party’s Future. New York State Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs made the comments on Monday night’s episode of “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” on MSNBC.
Apr 21, 2020: Breitbart reported: MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” host Lawrence O’Donnel said: Dr. Deborah Birx was asked about this at the White House briefing today. And once again, Dr. Birx gave the kind of answer that a Republican Party lawyer would give, an answer designed to protect any Republican officeholder with a bad idea. Dr. Birx actually said that it’s perfectly okay to open those businesses as long as you can maintain social distancing inside those businesses. Social distancing for a massage, social distancing for a tattoo, social distancing, six feet away, for haircutting. Dr. Birx actually pretended that all of those things are possible.
Apr 21, 2020: O'Donnell: “She (Greta Van Susteren; Fox News) is blaming the President of the United States for not calling the Governor of Texas and explaining to the Governor of Texas what a state is and what a governor is, and what a president is, what the United States of America is, what the United States military is... Greta actually said that President Obama should use presidential time, each minute of which is invaluable to the governance of the United States and to international relations.....Did you notice that on this one, in order to blame the President, she had to pretend she was throwing other leaders — all unnamed, all plural,” said O’Donnell. “Not a governor, not the Governor of Texas — just the governors and the Democrats and the Republicans. The President is the only individual who Greta Van Susteren blames for the paranoia and the nonsense we are hearing in Texas today.”
Apr 14, 2014: Huffington Post reported: Lawrence O'Donnell was injured in a car accident on Saturday while traveling outside of the country, MSNBC confirmed to the Huffington Post. The "Last Word" host is expected to make a full recovery, but remains under the care of doctors.
February 4, 2014: Washington Free Beacon reported: MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell selectively edited John Elway’s statements on Fox News Sunday to distort the hall of fame quarterback’s view on social safety nets Tuesday night on MSNBC.

Jan 10, 2014:
At the end of a tirade inspired by pundits who he claims are over-reacting to Robert Gates revelations in his tell-all book about Obama & the Obama administration, MSNBC's Lawrence O Donnell offered this insight: "We do not elect presidents to trust generals. We do not elect presidents to trust anyone. We elect presidents to challenge everyone working in government to find the best available solutions to the problems presidents face on a daily basis. Some of their advisers will be right one day and very wrong the next. This president knows that. Everyone working in the White House knows that, except some of the people whose only mission in the White House is to try to figure out how to ask explosive questions when the cameras are rolling in the White House press briefing room." Really? Well, 1) if we don't elect presidents to trust anyone then I dont know why O'Donnell would want to protect Obama since he trusts everyone so much in his administration that he does not have any clue what they do. 2) I dont know of anyone who has ever said they are voting for a presidential candidate so they could challenge other people in government to help the president with his problems. 3) There are a whole bunch people who's only mission in the White House is to try to figure out how to ask explosive questions when the cameras are rolling in the White House press briefing room. They are called reporters. Sometimes referred to as White House Correspondents.
At the end of a tirade inspired by pundits who he claims are over-reacting to Robert Gates revelations in his tell-all book about Obama & the Obama administration, MSNBC's Lawrence O Donnell offered this insight: "We do not elect presidents to trust generals. We do not elect presidents to trust anyone. We elect presidents to challenge everyone working in government to find the best available solutions to the problems presidents face on a daily basis. Some of their advisers will be right one day and very wrong the next. This president knows that. Everyone working in the White House knows that, except some of the people whose only mission in the White House is to try to figure out how to ask explosive questions when the cameras are rolling in the White House press briefing room." Really? Well, 1) if we don't elect presidents to trust anyone then I dont know why O'Donnell would want to protect Obama since he trusts everyone so much in his administration that he does not have any clue what they do. 2) I dont know of anyone who has ever said they are voting for a presidential candidate so they could challenge other people in government to help the president with his problems. 3) There are a whole bunch people who's only mission in the White House is to try to figure out how to ask explosive questions when the cameras are rolling in the White House press briefing room. They are called reporters. Sometimes referred to as White House Correspondents.
Jan 9, 2014: MediaIte: Lawrence O’Donnell: Dead Bridgegate Woman Will Be ‘Chris Christie’s Willie Horton’
The unfolding Chris Christie Bridgegate scandal took a sad, serious turn Wednesday when it was reported that a 91 year-old woman was delayed medical treatment due to the traffic jam apparently caused by high-level Christie staffers, and that she later died. On Wednesday night’s The Last Word, host Lawrence O’Donnell assessed the cold political potential of that death, telling his panel that “She, when we have her name, is going to become the Willie Horton of Chris Christie’s presidential campaign.”
Dec 28, 2013: The Blaze: It Looks Like Lawrence O’Donnell Is Finally Fed Up With Edward Snowden
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell skewered Edward Snowden’s Christmas address on Thursday, saying the National Security Agency leaker’s claims are “wildly overblown.”
Dec 20, 2013: Huffington Post: Lawrence O'Donnell Tears Into 'Duck Dynasty' Star's Racist Comments
Lawrence O'Donnell slammed Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson on Thursday for his "attempt to re-write American history" in his comments about black people.
Dec 19, 2013: MediaIte: Lawrence O’Donnell Condemns Phil Robertson… But Not for His Comments About Homosexuality
The vast majority of the coverage surrounding Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson’s suspension has concerned his comments linking homosexual sex to bestiality, among other “sins,” but those weren’t the only controversial remarks he made in his interview with GQ. During his MSNBC show Thursday night, Lawrence O’Donnell chose to draw attention to Robertson’s comments about growing up in the south before the Civil Rights Movement.
Dec 18, 2013: News Busters: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Spews Hate at James Madison, Father of the Constitution
Far-left MSNBC anchor Lawrence O'Donnell on Tuesday spewed invective at the father of the Constitution, James Madison. Angry over Judge Richard Leon's contention that Madison would be "aghast" at the National Security Agency's spying program, O'Donnell spewed, "We do know that James Madison would be aghast at interracial marriage. We do know that James Madison would be aghast at an integrated cabinet room in the White House, first with African-American members of the cabinet and now with an African-American president presiding over that cabinet."
Nov 15, 2013: MediaIte: Lawrence O’Donnell Belabors Uncensored Airing of Rob Ford P*ssy-Eating Clip, Humiliates Mrs. Ford
Embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford made more hilarious news Thursday with his denial that he ever told a staffer he wanted to perform cunnilingus on her, and his offbeat assertion that “I’ve got plenty to eat at home.”
Oct 21, 2013: Politifact: Lawrence O'Donnell says the IRS cannot pursue 'either civil or criminal remedies' for people who don’t purchase health insurance
Experts said O’Donnell’s point is pretty accurate: The IRS cannot use its most effective collection weapons -- the threat of jail time or seizing of property -- for the individual mandate penalty.
Oct 15, 2013: National Review: Lawrence O’Donnell: Redskins Owner Dan Snyder the ‘George Wallace of the NFL’
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell compared Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder’s defense of his team’s name to segregation on , saying “the force of history will crush” him and his team’s name.
Sept 10, 2013: Politico: Bill Press calls Lawrence O’Donnell a ‘real a-hole’
Progressive radio host Bill Press on Tuesday had one message for MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell after watching his tense interview with New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner: “Shame on you.”
Aug 8, 2013: New Republic: Dear Lawrence O'Donnell, Don't Mansplain to Me About Russia
Tonight, I went on Lawrence O'Donnell's show, and Lawrence O'Donnell yelled at me. Or, rather, he O'Reilly'd at me.
Aug 7, 2013: Ann Coulter: Bill O'Reilly is Smarter Than Lawrence O'Donnell
On Monday, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell ridiculed Fox News' O'Reilly for saying that single motherhood is responsible for the the high black crime rate.
The unfolding Chris Christie Bridgegate scandal took a sad, serious turn Wednesday when it was reported that a 91 year-old woman was delayed medical treatment due to the traffic jam apparently caused by high-level Christie staffers, and that she later died. On Wednesday night’s The Last Word, host Lawrence O’Donnell assessed the cold political potential of that death, telling his panel that “She, when we have her name, is going to become the Willie Horton of Chris Christie’s presidential campaign.”
Dec 28, 2013: The Blaze: It Looks Like Lawrence O’Donnell Is Finally Fed Up With Edward Snowden
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell skewered Edward Snowden’s Christmas address on Thursday, saying the National Security Agency leaker’s claims are “wildly overblown.”
Dec 20, 2013: Huffington Post: Lawrence O'Donnell Tears Into 'Duck Dynasty' Star's Racist Comments
Lawrence O'Donnell slammed Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson on Thursday for his "attempt to re-write American history" in his comments about black people.
Dec 19, 2013: MediaIte: Lawrence O’Donnell Condemns Phil Robertson… But Not for His Comments About Homosexuality
The vast majority of the coverage surrounding Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson’s suspension has concerned his comments linking homosexual sex to bestiality, among other “sins,” but those weren’t the only controversial remarks he made in his interview with GQ. During his MSNBC show Thursday night, Lawrence O’Donnell chose to draw attention to Robertson’s comments about growing up in the south before the Civil Rights Movement.
Dec 18, 2013: News Busters: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Spews Hate at James Madison, Father of the Constitution
Far-left MSNBC anchor Lawrence O'Donnell on Tuesday spewed invective at the father of the Constitution, James Madison. Angry over Judge Richard Leon's contention that Madison would be "aghast" at the National Security Agency's spying program, O'Donnell spewed, "We do know that James Madison would be aghast at interracial marriage. We do know that James Madison would be aghast at an integrated cabinet room in the White House, first with African-American members of the cabinet and now with an African-American president presiding over that cabinet."
Nov 15, 2013: MediaIte: Lawrence O’Donnell Belabors Uncensored Airing of Rob Ford P*ssy-Eating Clip, Humiliates Mrs. Ford
Embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford made more hilarious news Thursday with his denial that he ever told a staffer he wanted to perform cunnilingus on her, and his offbeat assertion that “I’ve got plenty to eat at home.”
Oct 21, 2013: Politifact: Lawrence O'Donnell says the IRS cannot pursue 'either civil or criminal remedies' for people who don’t purchase health insurance
Experts said O’Donnell’s point is pretty accurate: The IRS cannot use its most effective collection weapons -- the threat of jail time or seizing of property -- for the individual mandate penalty.
Oct 15, 2013: National Review: Lawrence O’Donnell: Redskins Owner Dan Snyder the ‘George Wallace of the NFL’
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell compared Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder’s defense of his team’s name to segregation on , saying “the force of history will crush” him and his team’s name.
Sept 10, 2013: Politico: Bill Press calls Lawrence O’Donnell a ‘real a-hole’
Progressive radio host Bill Press on Tuesday had one message for MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell after watching his tense interview with New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner: “Shame on you.”
Aug 8, 2013: New Republic: Dear Lawrence O'Donnell, Don't Mansplain to Me About Russia
Tonight, I went on Lawrence O'Donnell's show, and Lawrence O'Donnell yelled at me. Or, rather, he O'Reilly'd at me.
Aug 7, 2013: Ann Coulter: Bill O'Reilly is Smarter Than Lawrence O'Donnell
On Monday, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell ridiculed Fox News' O'Reilly for saying that single motherhood is responsible for the the high black crime rate.
July 9, 2013: Salon: Lawrence O’Donnell outraged to read story that isn’t about him
Alex Seitz-Wald wrote a piece Monday showing how the political press blew the IRS “scandal” out of proportion by immediately treating it as a massive scandal. It’s a really good piece, too, so go read it.
June 7, 2013: Allergic To Bull: Lawrence O’Donnell Claims to Know More About the Law Than the Supreme Court
As Obama is buffeted by wave after wave of scandal, some in the liberal media have been spinning to hilarious lengths.
Apr 23, 2013: RT: Meet the true journalists: James Kirchick and Lawrence O’Donnell
That was no ordinary day for Lawrence O’Donnell, renowned and globally-respected MSNBC journalist.
Feb 12, 2012: MRC: Bogus Maddow Claim about HHR Rule Demolished ... By MSNBC Colleague Lawrence O'Donnell
Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell don't see eye to eye on Obama's new contraception rule; as broadcast on their respective shows on MSNBC Feb. 9 2012
Alex Seitz-Wald wrote a piece Monday showing how the political press blew the IRS “scandal” out of proportion by immediately treating it as a massive scandal. It’s a really good piece, too, so go read it.
June 7, 2013: Allergic To Bull: Lawrence O’Donnell Claims to Know More About the Law Than the Supreme Court
As Obama is buffeted by wave after wave of scandal, some in the liberal media have been spinning to hilarious lengths.
Apr 23, 2013: RT: Meet the true journalists: James Kirchick and Lawrence O’Donnell
That was no ordinary day for Lawrence O’Donnell, renowned and globally-respected MSNBC journalist.
Feb 12, 2012: MRC: Bogus Maddow Claim about HHR Rule Demolished ... By MSNBC Colleague Lawrence O'Donnell
Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell don't see eye to eye on Obama's new contraception rule; as broadcast on their respective shows on MSNBC Feb. 9 2012

Z-NEWS NOTES: Feb 6, 2012: MSNBC anchors Lawrence O’Donnell and Tamron Hall have a romance spicing up off set. The single “Last Word” host, 60, has been quietly dating the pretty midday anchor and rising star at the network for months. The duo have kept their relationship low-profile in the studio but have been spotted canoodling at downtown haunts. O’Donnell, a “West Wing” producer who has a daughter with ex-wife Kathryn Harrold, was linked to actress Kerry Washington in 2008. MSNBC declined to comment.(SOURCE: New York Post: "Anchors at play")
Jan 30, 2012: American Thinker: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell gets his facts wrong
Normally I'd give MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's points for honesty. Like Vermont's U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, O'Donnell has made no bones about the fact he's a socialist. Take it or leave it, O'Donnell tells you where he's coming from.
Normally I'd give MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's points for honesty. Like Vermont's U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, O'Donnell has made no bones about the fact he's a socialist. Take it or leave it, O'Donnell tells you where he's coming from.
==norah o'donnell======
==keith olbermann======
Fired News Anchors Who Wouldn't Just Go Away
Keith Olbermann was once the face of MSNBC. He hosted a show called "Countdown," counting down the top news stories of the day and ending with a segment where he named someone the "Worst Person in the World." The show was a hit for the network, but Olbermann was fired in early 2011 amid rumors of disputes with executives over the tone of his coverage, which could often be combative. (The List 6/1/24)READ MORE>>>>>
Keith Olbermann was once the face of MSNBC. He hosted a show called "Countdown," counting down the top news stories of the day and ending with a segment where he named someone the "Worst Person in the World." The show was a hit for the network, but Olbermann was fired in early 2011 amid rumors of disputes with executives over the tone of his coverage, which could often be combative. (The List 6/1/24)READ MORE>>>>>
==bill O'Reilly======
Fired News Anchors Who Wouldn't Just Go Away
Longtime conservative firebrand Bill O'Reilly spent many years on Fox News as the host of "The O'Reilly Factor," a show where he tore into whatever cultural issues of the day he felt were most pressing to the lives of Americans. In 2017, O'Reilly turned out to be a few months ahead of a major cultural issue. While the #MeToo movement wouldn't really kick off until that fall, in April, The New York Times reported that O'Reilly had been accused of numerous incidents of sexual misconduct. (The List 6/1/24)READ MORE>>>>>
Longtime conservative firebrand Bill O'Reilly spent many years on Fox News as the host of "The O'Reilly Factor," a show where he tore into whatever cultural issues of the day he felt were most pressing to the lives of Americans. In 2017, O'Reilly turned out to be a few months ahead of a major cultural issue. While the #MeToo movement wouldn't really kick off until that fall, in April, The New York Times reported that O'Reilly had been accused of numerous incidents of sexual misconduct. (The List 6/1/24)READ MORE>>>>>
Florida school district removes dictionaries from libraries to review for possible bans
TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — A Florida school district has removed more than 1,600 books — including dictionaries and encyclopedias — to review them for possible bans under Florida law that prohibits books with sexual content. The district also pulled biographies from Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Oprah, Nicki Minaj, and Thurgood Marshall. Also on the list are books by John Green, Stephen King, and Nicholas Sparks. Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing Jesus” and “Killing Reagan,” were also pulled, according to the Florida Freedom to Read Project. (Kevin Accettulla/WFLA 1/11/24) READ MORE>>>>> |
Bill O’Reilly Fumes at Newsmax’s Eric Bolling: ‘I’ll Slow It Down So You Understand It’
Bill O’Reilly clashed with Newsmax host Eric Bolling over Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) recent actions in the House, which prompted three weeks of Republican infighting over the speakership. Gaetz triggered a vote of the House earlier this month on whether to oust then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from his post. The gambit succeeded when eight Republicans joined 208 Democrats in voting for removal. The Republican conference subsequently nominated four candidates, only the last of whom – Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) notched enough votes to become speaker. (Michael Luciano/MediaIte/10/26/23)
Bill O’Reilly clashed with Newsmax host Eric Bolling over Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) recent actions in the House, which prompted three weeks of Republican infighting over the speakership. Gaetz triggered a vote of the House earlier this month on whether to oust then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from his post. The gambit succeeded when eight Republicans joined 208 Democrats in voting for removal. The Republican conference subsequently nominated four candidates, only the last of whom – Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) notched enough votes to become speaker. (Michael Luciano/MediaIte/10/26/23)
==candace owens======
Vivek Ramaswamy calls on BuzzFeed to cut staff and hire ‘top talents’ like Tucker Carlson
Vivek Ramaswamy has called on digital media firm BuzzFeed to cut staff, invest in its audio and video capabilities, and hire high-profile “content creators” like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson In a letter to the media company’s board, the former Republican U.S. presidential contender, who this month revealed he has built an 8.3% stake in BuzzFeed, called for a “complete ground-up restructuring” of the New York City–based media company to prepare it for an artificial-intelligence-dominated future. Ramaswamy said BuzzFeed should seek to boost its credibility by admitting that it has “lost sight of fairness” and “repeatedly lied” to the public on various matters including American politics, the trial of actor Kevin Spacey and the “bloody history” of Che Guevara’s life.
(Market Watch 5/29/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Vivek Ramaswamy has called on digital media firm BuzzFeed to cut staff, invest in its audio and video capabilities, and hire high-profile “content creators” like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson In a letter to the media company’s board, the former Republican U.S. presidential contender, who this month revealed he has built an 8.3% stake in BuzzFeed, called for a “complete ground-up restructuring” of the New York City–based media company to prepare it for an artificial-intelligence-dominated future. Ramaswamy said BuzzFeed should seek to boost its credibility by admitting that it has “lost sight of fairness” and “repeatedly lied” to the public on various matters including American politics, the trial of actor Kevin Spacey and the “bloody history” of Che Guevara’s life.
(Market Watch 5/29/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Candace Owens turns Catholic: another political Christian
Candace Owens declared this week that she had converted to Catholicism, having previously identified as a Reformed Evangelical Protestant. Her baptism into the Church was clearly influenced by the fact that she is married to George Farmer, the CEO of recently relaunched conservative social media app Parler, who is himself a devout Catholic. But it also points to a broader trend on the radical Right. Large portions of this political grouping have adopted cultural Christianity, less as a theological outlook or spiritual enterprise and more as a tribal marker which is closer to nationalism and other forms of secular radicalism than to traditional forms of faith. This is happening as broader adherence to established Christianity has declined across the Western world in recent decades, with church attendances reaching record lows. The idea of “defending” Christian Europe or Christian values, whether from godless secular liberalism and “degenerate wokeness” or the supposed threat of Islamic domination, has been a motif in the rhetoric of the radical Right for years.
(Unherd 4/24/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Candace Owens declared this week that she had converted to Catholicism, having previously identified as a Reformed Evangelical Protestant. Her baptism into the Church was clearly influenced by the fact that she is married to George Farmer, the CEO of recently relaunched conservative social media app Parler, who is himself a devout Catholic. But it also points to a broader trend on the radical Right. Large portions of this political grouping have adopted cultural Christianity, less as a theological outlook or spiritual enterprise and more as a tribal marker which is closer to nationalism and other forms of secular radicalism than to traditional forms of faith. This is happening as broader adherence to established Christianity has declined across the Western world in recent decades, with church attendances reaching record lows. The idea of “defending” Christian Europe or Christian values, whether from godless secular liberalism and “degenerate wokeness” or the supposed threat of Islamic domination, has been a motif in the rhetoric of the radical Right for years.
(Unherd 4/24/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Megyn Kelly Confronts Ben Shapiro on Candace Owens Ouster and ‘Free Speech’
A week after The Daily Wire parted ways with far-right pundit Candace Owens amid her lengthy public feud with the site’s co-founder Ben Shapiro, Megyn Kelly asked Shapiro if the ouster of the MAGA provocateur was proof that his publication is only about free speech “until it comes to Israel.” Owens’ exit from the right-wing media empire came after months of increasing tension between her and Shapiro over the war in Gaza. The animosity between the two began heating up in November when Shapiro tore into Owens’ “disgraceful” comments on Israel committing “genocide,” prompting her to traffic in antisemitic “dual loyalty” tropes about Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew. (Daily Beast 4/2/24) READ MORE>>>>>
A week after The Daily Wire parted ways with far-right pundit Candace Owens amid her lengthy public feud with the site’s co-founder Ben Shapiro, Megyn Kelly asked Shapiro if the ouster of the MAGA provocateur was proof that his publication is only about free speech “until it comes to Israel.” Owens’ exit from the right-wing media empire came after months of increasing tension between her and Shapiro over the war in Gaza. The animosity between the two began heating up in November when Shapiro tore into Owens’ “disgraceful” comments on Israel committing “genocide,” prompting her to traffic in antisemitic “dual loyalty” tropes about Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew. (Daily Beast 4/2/24) READ MORE>>>>>
INTERVIEW: George Farmer on his Catholic Faith and being married to a US media star
I met George Farmer, entrepreneur, former CEO of Parler, and husband to US media personality and commentator Candace Owens, after the Good Friday Passion at the Brompton Oratory. We were introduced through mutual friends, and he was keen to meet in person to discuss a potential interview. “I have prayed on it, and I am going to do it,” he said, allowing me to relax into our appropriately dull Good Friday soft drink-based session. Farmer had previously made a commitment to staying out of the media, so the decision was not made lightly. “Besides, the Herald is my favourite magazine,” he added, admitting that he recently gave up a subscription to the Spectator in favour of it. (Catholic Herald 4/18/24) READ MORE>>>>>
I met George Farmer, entrepreneur, former CEO of Parler, and husband to US media personality and commentator Candace Owens, after the Good Friday Passion at the Brompton Oratory. We were introduced through mutual friends, and he was keen to meet in person to discuss a potential interview. “I have prayed on it, and I am going to do it,” he said, allowing me to relax into our appropriately dull Good Friday soft drink-based session. Farmer had previously made a commitment to staying out of the media, so the decision was not made lightly. “Besides, the Herald is my favourite magazine,” he added, admitting that he recently gave up a subscription to the Spectator in favour of it. (Catholic Herald 4/18/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Candace Owens departs Ben Shapiro’s website after antisemitic commentary
Prominent right-wing commentator Candace Owens has left the Daily Wire, the website founded by conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, after months of promoting antisemitic ideas. In a statement posted to social media Friday morning, Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing said the company and the pundit “have ended their relationship.” “The rumors are true — I am finally free,” Owens said in her own post.
(Washington Post 3/22/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Prominent right-wing commentator Candace Owens has left the Daily Wire, the website founded by conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, after months of promoting antisemitic ideas. In a statement posted to social media Friday morning, Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing said the company and the pundit “have ended their relationship.” “The rumors are true — I am finally free,” Owens said in her own post.
(Washington Post 3/22/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Candace Owens says she'll stake her 'entire reputation' on debunked theory that ... trends now
Candace Owens has wagered her career that French President Emmanuel Macron's wife was born a man.The conservative commentator took to X to tout the controversial theory, hours after outlining it on "an episode of her podcast. It goes that French First Lady Brigitte Macron, 70, was actually born Jean-Michel Trogneux, before eventually transitioning at age 30. (Mogaznews 3/12/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Candace Owens has wagered her career that French President Emmanuel Macron's wife was born a man.The conservative commentator took to X to tout the controversial theory, hours after outlining it on "an episode of her podcast. It goes that French First Lady Brigitte Macron, 70, was actually born Jean-Michel Trogneux, before eventually transitioning at age 30. (Mogaznews 3/12/24) READ MORE>>>>>