Laura Elizabeth Loomer (born May 21, 1993) is an American far-right political activist, conspiracy theorist, and internet personality. She was the Republican nominee to represent Florida's 21st congressional district in the 2020 United States House of Representatives elections, losing to Democrat Lois Frankel. She also ran in the Republican primary for Florida's 11th congressional district in 2022, losing to incumbent Daniel Webster. She has described herself as being "pro-white nationalism" and a "proud Islamophobe". Loomer has worked as an activist for several organizations, including Project Veritas, the Geller Report, Rebel News, and InfoWars. Loomer gained notoriety as a result of being banned from numerous social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, payment processors, vehicles for hire, and food delivery mobile apps for various reasons, including violating policies on hate speech and posting misinformation. Loomer has also been banned and removed from events, and had press credentials revoked, for harassment and causing disturbances. Donald Trump sought to hire Loomer to his presidential campaign in April 2023, though his senior campaign advisors strongly discouraged it. By September 2024, some Trump supporters and others expressed concerns about Loomer's continuing presence around and influence on Trump.
Steve Bannon Escalates MAGA Civil War With Call for ‘Reparations’ Over H-1B Visas Steve Bannon escalated the MAGA civil war Monday by calling for ‘reparations’ for Americans for losing out to immigrants on H-1B visas–who should themselves, he said, be deported. Bannon repeatedly railed against the program—and billionaire Elon Musk, who backs the visas—on Monday’s War Room, asking guests including conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer and former-Democrat-turned-MAGA-backer Allison Huynh whether Musk understood the visas were a “scam.”(Daily Beast 12/30/24) READ MORE>>>>> Loomer Slams ‘Welfare Queen’ Musk in Surging MAGA Civil War The civil war between Donald Trump’s billionaire tech bro backers and everyday MAGA loyalists ramped up on Monday after Trump ally Laura Loomer called Elon Musk a “welfare queen.” “What is it going to mean for the future of our country, our national security and the incoming Trump administration if we have a bunch of technocrats, who are also essentially welfare queens because their companies are receiving government subsidies, and they want to take over our defense industry?” Loomer said to Steve Bannon on his War Room podcast. (Daily Beast 12/30/24) READ MORE>>>>> Is Elon Musk Hiding in Plain Sight? The Strange Saga of "Adrian Dittman" and Laura Loomer’s Public Showdown Last night after dinner at a Mexican restaurant near my office, I received a frantic text from a friend in Palm Beach urging me to tune into a live Spaces on X. The premise? Laura Loomer defending herself in a tense and combative debate moderated by a group of men—one of whom my friend insisted was Elon Musk allegedly operating under the pseudonymous “Adrian Dittman." The voice was unmistakable. Over the course of the conversation, “Dittman” and the other participants relentlessly pressured Loomer to draft (and publicly read aloud) an apology for her accidental doxing, which she reluctantly delivered live shortly after posting it. The whole exchange was unsettling. Many on X called it a witch hunt with one user even likening it to a “verbal gang rape.” (Substack 12/29/24) READ MORE>>>>> Laura Loomer and Infamous Neo-Nazi Once Toasted to the ‘Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party’ Back in 2022, conservative activist Laura Loomer and neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes celebrated what seemed to be a 'hostile takeover of the Republican Party.' As reported by Mediate, in the 11th congressional district of Florida, Loomer sought the Republican nomination for office two years ago; she was defeated in that campaign by incumbent Republican Daniel Webster. However, it was the same day that Loomer and Fuentes celebrated their common goal of molding the Republican Party to their liking.As per the outlet, to celebrate 'the hostile takeover' of the GOP in August 2022, Loomer poured Pepsi Nitro and proclaimed it the 'official drink of America First.' Fuentes agreed with her as they clinked their glasses together. Whether Loomer and Fuentes intended their statements seriously or in fun is unknown. (Inquistr 9/22/24) READ MORE>>>>> ![]() Starting last Tuesday, Loomer has regularly been spotted by Trump’s side on the campaign trail, repeatedly flying with him around the country. She accompanied him to the presidential debate against Kamala Harris and was backstage at the debate with Trump’s entourage. She was in Trump’s posse in New York City and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on Sept. 11 — despite sharing a video that claimed “9/11 was an Inside Job!” just last year. “Donald Trump likes me,” Loomer said Saturday. “Donald Trump trusts me. OK? Obviously, he trusts me if I’m on his plane.” The admission to Trump’s inner circle is a remarkable come-up for Loomer, who has made a brand out of being openly racist, calling herself a “proud Islamophobe” and “pro-white nationalism.” Loomer has, for years, been a vile and unapologetic bigot, repeatedly calling for ethnically cleansing the U.S. of Muslims, referring to Black politicians by racist slurs and pushing the “Great Replacement,” the conspiracy theory that has inspired multiple white supremacist mass shootings. --Christopher Mathias, Matt Shuham, Jennifer Bendery; Huffpost; How Did Laura Loomer Finally Earn A Spot At Donald Trump’s Side? 9.16.24
Laura Loomer Toasting 'Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party' Resurfaces Footage of conservative activist Laura Loomer has resurfaced, showing her with white supremacist Nick Fuentes celebrating a "hostile takeover of the Republican Party."Loomer, who has propagated the false claim that Haitian migrants have been eating pets in Springfield, is thought to have Donald Trump's ear, having been seen on the former president's trips to New York and Pennsylvania on September 11. Now, with speculation growing about the depth of her influence, a video of her and Fuentes celebrating a planned conquest of the Republican Party is being shared on social media. (Newsweek 9/13/24) READ MORE>>>>> Laura Loomer: “Kamala Harris is not Black.” ... “I have a weave in my hair so maybe I am Blacker than Kamala Harris.” LAURA LOOMER (HOST): Kamala Harris is not Black. They want to convince themselves that she is. We have a pretend Black woman who is now the Democrat nominee, and they're saying that we have to divest ourselves from whiteness. I mean, why are we trying to gin up animosity? I get along just fine with Black people. Okay? The woman who does my hair is Black, and she's a conservative. She's a Trump supporter. And when she does my hair, she always talks to me. Right? Because I'm conservative, and she loves — people just assume that she's, you know, she's a Jamaican girl. She's really sweet. She's really nice. She does a really good job on my hair. And, she'll be like, oh, so, you know, what can you tell me now? What's new with President Trump? Oh, I just love President Trump or, you know, she watches a lot of InfoWars and Alex Jones, and she always waits and does my hair when, you know, it's just us because generally speaking, like, a lot of her clientele is more Democrat or, you know, doing hair — I get my hair done at a Black salon, actually. I will say this because I have extensions, and I'm not going pretend like my hair is all real. I have extensions in my hair, just to be honest. And so, I don't need to pretend and be like, oh, yeah. I was like, you know, I woke up like this is all my natural hair. Most of my hair is my hair, but I do wear a couple extensions, and I do it for fullness. My hair is the exact length that it is. My natural hair is as long as it is, but I do have one row of extensions. I guarantee you that when I go and I get my hair done in a couple weeks when she redoes my extensions for me, I'm going to play her this clip, and I'm going to ask her what she thinks about this Black woman telling people to divest themselves from whiteness. Black people think that this shit's crazy too. Like, I don't know why they think that this is appealing to all Black people. I know Black people who think it's so stupid when they hear other Black people calling for reparations. Okay? So when I go to the Black hair salon and I get my weft, my weave, basically, tightened in my hair because you have to get it tightened every six weeks, I'm going ask these Black women in the salon what they think about this woman calling for white people to divest themselves from whiteness. And maybe I'll record it. I don't know. Maybe I'll record it and get their reactions, and then I'll play it six weeks from now when I get my weave tightened. And then I can, you know, show you all what they think at the Black Hair Salon. LOOMER: I guess I do. I have a weave in my hair, so maybe I am Blacker than Kamala Harris. I don't know. (Media Matters 8/14/24) READ MORE>>>>> That dog don't hunt: Right-wing media say Kristi Noem’s vice presidential dreams are dead “Proud Islamophobe” and Trump ally Laura Loomer, known for years of extremism and embarrassments, lectured Noem that she “should really have better judgment than to brag about killing her own dog,” calling it “downright sociopathic.” Loomer added that Noem, as a Trump-endorsed governor in a presidential election year, “doesn’t seem to understand that her words and her actions have implications for those who are associated with her, including President Trump.” “It’s safe to say that [Kristi] is likely off the VP shortlist,” she concluded, “if she was even ever on it to begin with.” (Media Matters 5/10/24) READ MORE>>>>> Trump ally Laura Loomer on anti-immigrant vigilante violence: “I'm not gonna care when it happens. ... They're pushing people to the brink.” LAURA LOOMER (HOST): Nobody gives a shit about profanity. Nobody gives a shit. Nobody cares anymore about optics. Nobody cares anymore about how you say things. Because once people start starving, right, once people have to look their children in the eyes and their kids are hungry, and they say, mommy, I'm hungry, and they say, I'm sorry, baby. I don't have any money for food, that's when things are about to get real in this country. OK? That's when things are gonna get real, and you're gonna see massive amounts of people switch from voting Democrat to voting Republican, and you're already seeing it. Because there's people that are sitting there, they're busting their ass, working two to three jobs a week, working 80 to 90 hours a week, not even able to meet their expenses. OK? Their kids are starving. They're starving. Their marriages are struggling because they and their husband, or they and their wife are struggling to just get by, OK? (Media-Ite 3/11/24) READ MORE>>>>> Laura Loomer calls for Jewish charity workers to be jailed, invokes white nationalist “great replacement” myth In recent weeks, pro-Trump troll and self-proclaimed “proud Islamophobe” Laura Loomer has spread white supremacist conspiracy theories about HIAS, a Jewish nonprofit organization providing aid to migrants at the southern border, even going as far as calling for its employees to be imprisoned on charges of huma trafficking. She has also cited the racist “great replacement” myth when attacking the aid organization, posting on X (formerly Twitter) that “HIAS IS FACILITATING THE INVASION OF AMERICA AND THE GREAT REPLACEMENT!” On her Rumble show yesterday, she stated, “We are being replaced. We are being washed away by a flood of migrant invaders, and it is all happening with the tacit support of Joe Biden and much of the D.C. establishment.” (MediaIte2/28/24) READ MORE>>>>> |
September 2024: Loomer: Donald Trump inspires me to never give up, he inspires me to be a fighter, and he has inspired me for years, even before he was a candidate for President. Everyone who knows me knows I am President Trump's biggest fan and have been since I was a teenager and in college where I was the President of College Republicans. I will be fighting as hard as I can to get him elected in 2024. And then once he's elected, I will give up my entire life in Florida where I have lived for most of my adult life, and I will to move to DC to work for him and fight for him in the swamp where I will protect him from disloyal people... if he wants me to! We can't talk about a stolen election for another 4 years. Time for some offense. And if you don't know how to be on offense you probably should stay far away from President Trump's campaign."
November 1, 2017: Washington Examiner reported: Far-right activist Laura Loomer was banned from the Uber ride-sharing service after complaining about Muslim drivers after the New York City terror attack. “I’m late to the NYPD press conference because I couldn’t find a non Muslim cab or @Uber @lyft driver for over 30 min! This is insanity,” Loomer tweeted but later deleted. |
Laura Loomer accuses magazine of using 1950s stock photo to push for Trump assassination
Laura Loomer, the pro-Trump right-wing activist whose history of unhinged behavior even worries some of her fellow MAGA devotees, posted a bizarre new conspiracy theory accusing The Atlantic magazine of sending subliminal messages to assassinate former President Donald Trump. In particular, Loomer says that a recent Atlantic article about the rapid decline of both inflation and crime over the last year is actually a call to murder Trump given that it features stock photos of a bullet hole shot through a piece of glass and a fistful of dollar bills that happen to contain the numbers 4 and 5, which Loomer believes is code for the 45th president.
(Brad Reed/Raw Story 1/22/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Laura Loomer, the pro-Trump right-wing activist whose history of unhinged behavior even worries some of her fellow MAGA devotees, posted a bizarre new conspiracy theory accusing The Atlantic magazine of sending subliminal messages to assassinate former President Donald Trump. In particular, Loomer says that a recent Atlantic article about the rapid decline of both inflation and crime over the last year is actually a call to murder Trump given that it features stock photos of a bullet hole shot through a piece of glass and a fistful of dollar bills that happen to contain the numbers 4 and 5, which Loomer believes is code for the 45th president.
(Brad Reed/Raw Story 1/22/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Did Alex Soros Really Call for Trump's Assassination?
Activist Laura Loomer (yeah, I know) gave a further explanation of her theory: since the $10 bill facing the viewer is the old-fashioned kind which has "will pay to the bearer on demand" on the bottom, which the treasury replaced with "In God We Trust" in 1963, the year JFK was assassinated, it means that a reward will be offered to the person insane enough to carry out an assassination attempt on Trump. Additionally, since the $5 bill has Abraham Lincoln on it (assassinated), the $20 has Andrew Jackson (survived an attempt), and the $10 has Alexander Hamilton (killed in a duel with Aaron Burr), the implication is more apparent, according to the conspiracy theory.
(Grayson Bakich/PJ Media 1/22/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Activist Laura Loomer (yeah, I know) gave a further explanation of her theory: since the $10 bill facing the viewer is the old-fashioned kind which has "will pay to the bearer on demand" on the bottom, which the treasury replaced with "In God We Trust" in 1963, the year JFK was assassinated, it means that a reward will be offered to the person insane enough to carry out an assassination attempt on Trump. Additionally, since the $5 bill has Abraham Lincoln on it (assassinated), the $20 has Andrew Jackson (survived an attempt), and the $10 has Alexander Hamilton (killed in a duel with Aaron Burr), the implication is more apparent, according to the conspiracy theory.
(Grayson Bakich/PJ Media 1/22/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Trump's embrace of far-right activist Laura Loomer worries his allies
Afterward, the encounter found its way to social media. The woman — far-right social media influencer Laura Loomer — cut a scene in which she said DeSantis “looked petrified,” adding she believed “his soul left his body when he saw me.” “He’s going to lose,” Loomer, a twice-failed congressional candidate and self-described “proud Islamophobe” said in a clip filmed outside the hotel. “President Trump is going to kick his a-- on Monday, Jan. 15. And that’s it for Ron. You killed your political career and I hope you’re happy. You just got Loomered, b----.”
(Allan Smith/NBC News 1/15/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Afterward, the encounter found its way to social media. The woman — far-right social media influencer Laura Loomer — cut a scene in which she said DeSantis “looked petrified,” adding she believed “his soul left his body when he saw me.” “He’s going to lose,” Loomer, a twice-failed congressional candidate and self-described “proud Islamophobe” said in a clip filmed outside the hotel. “President Trump is going to kick his a-- on Monday, Jan. 15. And that’s it for Ron. You killed your political career and I hope you’re happy. You just got Loomered, b----.”
(Allan Smith/NBC News 1/15/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Trump Ally Laura Loomer Brutally Mocked For Claiming Nikki Haley Is Using Weather Control to Steal the Iowa Caucus
Trump ally and known conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer was widely panned this week after she accused Nikki Haley and her “friends in the defense industry” of using “weather manipulation” to create extreme cold in Iowa in order to steal Monday’s caucus from former President Donald Trump. While Loomer is very much a fringe figure in American politics, she is a popular force among the MAGA base and has the ear of Trump – who regularly shares her screeds on his social media platform. Trump met with Loomer at his Bedminster country club over the summer and praised the work she does on his behalf and reportedly even tried to hire her earlier in the year. Loomer failed twice, even with Trump’s endorsement, as a candidate for Congress in Trump’s Palm Beach district and then a north central Florida district, and is close friends with MAGA influencers like Roger Stone.
(Alex Griffing/MediaIte/1/12/24)
Trump ally and known conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer was widely panned this week after she accused Nikki Haley and her “friends in the defense industry” of using “weather manipulation” to create extreme cold in Iowa in order to steal Monday’s caucus from former President Donald Trump. While Loomer is very much a fringe figure in American politics, she is a popular force among the MAGA base and has the ear of Trump – who regularly shares her screeds on his social media platform. Trump met with Loomer at his Bedminster country club over the summer and praised the work she does on his behalf and reportedly even tried to hire her earlier in the year. Loomer failed twice, even with Trump’s endorsement, as a candidate for Congress in Trump’s Palm Beach district and then a north central Florida district, and is close friends with MAGA influencers like Roger Stone.
(Alex Griffing/MediaIte/1/12/24)
In a phone interview with Newsweek, Loomer said she was surprised to be asked to leave the event. |
Donald Trump Ally Booted from Nikki Haley Event in Iowa
Conservative activist and journalist Laura Loomer shared a video on Saturday where she wasn't allowed to enter or attend a Town Hall hosted by the Nikki Haley campaign in Bettendorf, Iowa. The video shows Loomer, an avid supporter of former President Donald Trump, being told by an officer with the Indianola Police Department to leave the event. (Gabe Wisnant/Newsweek 1/6/24) READ MORE>>>>> |
Donald Trump Jr. Floats Alex Jones And Laura Loomer As White House Press Secretaries
“There’s a couple people I want to put in as press secretary for like a month, two weeks to a month … just to put these idiots in their place,” Trump Jr. said. Jones was one. Conservative activist Laura Loomer, a major supporter of former President Donald Trump, was another. “I’m not even joking. I’m actually serious,” he said. “I’m not saying he’s got everything right, and this one would be controversial,” Trump Jr. continued of Jones.
(Liam Edgar/Tampa Free Press 12/30/23 )
“There’s a couple people I want to put in as press secretary for like a month, two weeks to a month … just to put these idiots in their place,” Trump Jr. said. Jones was one. Conservative activist Laura Loomer, a major supporter of former President Donald Trump, was another. “I’m not even joking. I’m actually serious,” he said. “I’m not saying he’s got everything right, and this one would be controversial,” Trump Jr. continued of Jones.
(Liam Edgar/Tampa Free Press 12/30/23 )
Jenna Ellis mocks conservative over threat to stop voting if Trump is nixed from ballots
Laura Loomer is threatening to leverage her "millions" of Republican acolytes to abstain from voting if Trump is scratched from the ballot and she's being pilloried by none other than convicted Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, who mocked her cache and called her "Loomer Tunes". On Friday, the failed Florida candidate and conservative journalist posted her Trump-or-try-me ultimatum on Twitter/X.
"If President Trump is removed from ballots & they prevent him from being the nominee, I’ll never vote in another election ever again and I will use my platform & my lists to make sure millions of other republicans don’t vote either," it reads. "I will only vote for Donald Trump.
(ML Nestel/Raw Story 12/30/23)
Laura Loomer is threatening to leverage her "millions" of Republican acolytes to abstain from voting if Trump is scratched from the ballot and she's being pilloried by none other than convicted Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, who mocked her cache and called her "Loomer Tunes". On Friday, the failed Florida candidate and conservative journalist posted her Trump-or-try-me ultimatum on Twitter/X.
"If President Trump is removed from ballots & they prevent him from being the nominee, I’ll never vote in another election ever again and I will use my platform & my lists to make sure millions of other republicans don’t vote either," it reads. "I will only vote for Donald Trump.
(ML Nestel/Raw Story 12/30/23)
'Not confident in a woman being President': Trump ally attacks 'anchor baby' Nikki Haley
A Donald Trump ally who has been floated for a position in his potential next administration on Wednesday attacked the ex-president's GOP primary rival Nikki Haley, saying the former Trump admin official is an "anchor baby" who is ineligible to be president. Laura Loomer, who Donald Trump Jr. said might be considered to be his father's interim press secretary, is one of Trump's latest supporters to stick it to Haley. She joins Tucker Carlson and others in shooting down reports that Trump is considering her for Vice President. Loomer argued on Christmas eve that Haley was an "anchor baby who is unqualified to be president."
(David McAfee/Raw Story) READ MORE>>>>>
A Donald Trump ally who has been floated for a position in his potential next administration on Wednesday attacked the ex-president's GOP primary rival Nikki Haley, saying the former Trump admin official is an "anchor baby" who is ineligible to be president. Laura Loomer, who Donald Trump Jr. said might be considered to be his father's interim press secretary, is one of Trump's latest supporters to stick it to Haley. She joins Tucker Carlson and others in shooting down reports that Trump is considering her for Vice President. Loomer argued on Christmas eve that Haley was an "anchor baby who is unqualified to be president."
(David McAfee/Raw Story) READ MORE>>>>>
‘New York Compost’: Trump Booster Laura Loomer Flips Out On ‘Rupert Murdoch’s NY Post’ For Covering Unflattering Poll
Pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer slammed the New York Post this week for covering a recent poll that was not very flattering to Donald Trump. “No the hell we do not. This is some more bullshit from Rupert Murdoch’s @nypost. Rupert Murdoch is on the record saying he wants to “make Trump a non person”. You can’t trust anything about Trump that comes out of any of his publications. It’s all trash,” Loomer wrote on X/Twitter, adding: New York Compost. (Alex Griffing/MediaIte 12/22/23) READ MORE>>>>>
Pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer slammed the New York Post this week for covering a recent poll that was not very flattering to Donald Trump. “No the hell we do not. This is some more bullshit from Rupert Murdoch’s @nypost. Rupert Murdoch is on the record saying he wants to “make Trump a non person”. You can’t trust anything about Trump that comes out of any of his publications. It’s all trash,” Loomer wrote on X/Twitter, adding: New York Compost. (Alex Griffing/MediaIte 12/22/23) READ MORE>>>>>
Trump praises ‘terrific’ white supremacist conspiracy theorist
In an online video, Donald Trump praised the white nationalist conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer as “terrific” and “very special” and said: “You are a very opinionated lady, I have to tell you. And in my opinion, I like that.” Loomer, 30, is a Florida activist and failed political candidate who once described herself as a “proud Islamophobe”, earning bans from major social media platforms. Among proliferating controversies, Loomer has called Muslims “savages” and Islam a “cancer”. She has spread conspiracy theories about mass shootings, including the Parkland school shooting in Florida. (Martin Pengully/ The Guardian 8/14/23)
In an online video, Donald Trump praised the white nationalist conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer as “terrific” and “very special” and said: “You are a very opinionated lady, I have to tell you. And in my opinion, I like that.” Loomer, 30, is a Florida activist and failed political candidate who once described herself as a “proud Islamophobe”, earning bans from major social media platforms. Among proliferating controversies, Loomer has called Muslims “savages” and Islam a “cancer”. She has spread conspiracy theories about mass shootings, including the Parkland school shooting in Florida. (Martin Pengully/ The Guardian 8/14/23)